Get Out (2017)

Starring Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Catherine Keener, Bradley Whitford
Written and directed by Jordan Peele
I’m of the following mindset – it doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, yellow, purple, orange, gay, straight, Republican, Democrat, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, whatever… there are only two types of people in the world: those who think for themselves and idiots. Unfortunately I’m also in the minority. Stupidity and racism, though not as bad as it was decades ago, are still alive and well in this world; and that’s very much a frightening thing.
Rose and Chris (Williams and Kaluuya) are a great couple. They give us hope of finally transcending the racial boundaries that prevent some from living and loving fearlessly. Things are going so well for our duo that it comes time to meet the parents (Keener and Whitford). There’s just one thing; Rose’s parents have no idea that Chris is black. This fact is met with some trepidation on his part, but for love of his girl and against some of his better instincts, Chris throws caution to the wind, packs up, and heads for the country.
Upon arrival Chris is met, much to his relief, with open arms from Rose’s family; but as the days and nights drag on, it becomes apparent that all is not what it seems. It’s not long before things turn deadly, and the intensity of the situation eclipses the film’s many laughs.
On its surface Jordan Peele’s Get Out is extremely socially aware of many issues facing society today, but there’s so much more to it. It’s easy to say this movie is all about race, but without spoiling anything, I’d say the white family in the film, though nefarious in every sense of the word, is more guilty of objectifying African-Americans than hating them.
Peele has delivered a world in which each character has both motivation and distinct intention, and that paints a great and vivid picture for the audience to get sucked into. There are no throwaway moments, and the film ticks along at a furious pace thanks to a good combination of slick direction, wonderful performances, and perfectly timed editing.
Get Out will have you laughing one moment, gasping the next, and cheering the whole way through. See it with a good, rowdy audience; and magic will happen. In my theater people were shouting, screaming, and stomping! It was a roller coaster of the best kind, as Get Out is the PERFECT blend of frights and thrills. It will also have you examining your own moral compass, and these days it’s best to be reminded to keep that in check. This flick is one hell of a fun way to do just that!
Bravo, Peele! More please!