Ready To Burst (Short, 2017)

Starring Ariel Hansen, Lee Shorten, Malcolm Stead
Directed by Ariel Hansen
The blessed news of an impending birth can be one of those events that’s marked with joy, tears, revelry…pain, anguish, self-mutilation and ultimately the spawning of a vile creature hell-bent on destroying all life that surrounds it. Ah well, enough of the Hallmark sentiments, ans today I’m giving you the lowdown on Ready To Burst, the latest short film from Ariel Hansen – get your surgical gowns on, cause this one’s going to get messy.
Hansen (double-duty in the lead role), is Kate, and alongside her husband (Shorten) comes the news of a youngin’ on the way. Now while the masses would normally shower the mommy-to-be with love and gifts, it appears that everyone is content to stay the hell away from this new progenitor – something’s cooking in her belly, and I’m not thinking it’s a bouncing bundle of joy. The subsequent results of this otherworldly pregnancy aren’t exactly shocking, but they are a bit distressing to lay eyes upon.
The short wastes no time in setting up the calamitous germination, and the audience will remain an involved group of witnesses. Overall, the quickie isn’t going to break any boundaries as far as untouched topics, and some might even slough this one off as “ho-hum”, but it’s a generally fun watch, and should provide some interesting discussions at parenting meetings if screened.