Inheritance (2017)

Starring Chase Joliet, Sara Montez, Dale Dickey
Directed by Tyler Savage
The opportunity to reel in a very big catch after the passing of an estranged loved one, bequest-speaking, is an intriguing one (oh come on, I’m not THAT evil). In Tyler Savage’s latest film, Inheritance, we see the after-effects of a particularly intriguing devise left behind to a man who has no idea what lies inside of it. So please, wipe your feet before entering because I’m quite sure that you don’t want to track any more bad juju into this domicile.
Starring Chase Joliet as Ryan, a man who has just learned that his birth father has recently passed due to an unfortunate accident, and at the risk of me transferring a bit of heartlessness on over to a fictional character, his acknowledgment of the news of his dad’s death…well, let’s just say that it wasn’t exactly a tear-shedding moment for him. Turns out that Ryan believed his father had died over 20 years ago, and his gift for this “sorrowful” news? A spacious coastal estate worth 2.5 million bucks…yep, I think I’d get over my disaffection pretty damned quick as well. So, Ryan packs up the truck with his beautiful fiancee (Montez) and they head off to check out the new digs, and aside from a slightly kooky realtor (Dickey) paying them a visit, all seems okey-dokey, but things will change in a hurry, that you can rest on.
As the initial sleepover is in its beginning stages, it’s clear to everyone that this gorgeous sea-cliff residence was once the home of some interesting activity, and Ryan begins to find himself dead in the middle of more than a few interesting characters who are all too happy to welcome him “home.” From distant relatives, to nosy neighbors, right down to the local grocery store cashier who seems to have an eye for Ryan’s lady upon first meeting her, it’s apparent that this environment isn’t exactly conducive to new homeowners. Nightmarish visions of the past play out when Ryan rises from bed at night, and they’re the most telling of a frightening tale – Savage uses the dark essences of an even more gloomy past to highlight this modern-day ghost story, and although I still found a few of my questions went unanswered, overall the film was a fun watch. Joliet’s performance as the quiet yet guarded son was spot on, and he was complimented by Montez’s portrayal of a woman who stands fast in the support of her husband, yet knows there’s something seriously wrong with this whole composition. Scares are few and far between, and they’re not really needed in order for this movie to succeed – it’s the implication of a very dreary history and how it still manages to linger over present time.
In the end of everything, I can definitely recommend this Inheritance to those looking to get their greedy mitts on someone else’s fortune, but the caveat is don’t look a gift house in the front door…or something like that.