Burn (Short, 2017)

Starring Max Cavenham, Emma Kelly, Matti Kolirin
Directed by Judson Vaughan
Let’s face it: home video from your parents can be embarrassing to a child when they’re finally old enough to comprehend what images they’re setting their eyes upon, but what a young boy sees left behind from his father in Judson Vaughan’s Burn…well, you’d want to hit the stop button too.
This 15 minute short centers around Peter (Cavenham), a man who realizes that his life is short, so he makes a series of videos for his unborn son – meaning of life, who he is – all that stuff. After years have passed, young Charlie (Kolirin) begs his mom (Kelly) to let him watch the movies to finally know who is dad really was…WOW, what a decision that was. What lies on the videodiscs are things that will set the tone for this young man’s life, whether he prefers to abide by it or not – pretty demented stuff.
For a quickie that only ran a quarter of an hour, Burn had that feel to it of an unrelenting hook, digging itself in and forcing you to pay attention, and it definitely worked. Nice framing to a short story, with enough suspense to keep you interested, and the performances while simple, were practical without being overdone. Overall, a great watch that will more than likely make you NEVER bitch again when mom or dad cranks out the video camera in front of both friends and family – remember this, it could always be worse.