Evil Dead: The Game HD (iPad App)
Created by Trigger Apps
It looks like it’s a good year to be a fan of Sam Raimi’s classic Evil Dead series. First we got the Army of Darkness App for the iPad, and now we’re getting this little gem courtesy of the fine folks over at Trigger Apps. Does this game have a good degree of difficulty? Yes! Is it fun to play? Yes! Most important, does it embody the main crux of the movie after which it was named, thereby giving respect to the source material and to all those who made it? Hell yeah, it does.
The Evil Dead Parts I and II are both essentially the same movie. Group of youngsters go off to an abandoned cabin in the woods, find a forbidden book of knowledge, get possessed by demons, get raped by trees, you know. A standard Friday night. It falls to Ash to try to rescue his friends (which he doesn’t) and get out of the mess alive (there are three parts to the movie…Kind of spoils the ending of the first two, doesn’t it?). In Trigger Apps’ Evil Dead game, you play Ash and try to rescue your friends, cut down demonic rape-trees, and kill monsters.
Where the AOD game is a standard walk-and-shoot, this game follows Ash around the area around the cabin where nastiness awaits. Instead of just moving forward and back, players can move (and shoot) in 360 degrees of blood-soaked fun. Through thirty levels, the game gets progressively harder the further one gets. Obstacles include your demon-possessed friends, stinging bushes, the aforementioned rape-trees, big worms that seem to appear out of nowhere, and a water hazard.
Gameplay on this is very well done in that with the left hand there is a thumb-controller for movement, and for the right the thumb controls jumping and shooting/hacking/chainsawing. It’s much less awkward than other games and takes gaming on the iPad in a good direction.
There are also a few little goodies in Evil Dead HD for the true horror fan, the biggest one being the “gore” mode. While there have been lots of gory games in the past, this one allows you to interact with the gore. Chopping up a zombified person puts blood, organs, and eyeballs all over your screen, and you have to wipe it off through a swiping motion with your finger in order to see what’s going on. In all honesty, it’s a fun little game, just twisted enough to keep a horror fan’s interest, and wonderful for fans of the Raimi films. The game goes for $2.99 in iTunes’ App Store.
4 1/2 out of 5
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