Happy Endings Are A Rarity (2017)
Starring Will Bryant, Paige Smith, Cullen Ries
Directed by Michael Bardon and Blair Hoyle
Past trauma leaves an already damaged man into thinking that his home is haunted – a frightening proposition, especially considering that his home is where he’s literally a prisoner due to the trauma – feel free to cross this home’s threshold, but beware because Happy Endings Are A Rarity.
This one-hour presentation stars Will Bryant as a young man named Landon, and his aforementioned agoraphobia is the result of a horrific accident that occurred years ago, and as the film starts up, he’s visited by a few friends for some drinks and a bit of recollection. While all of the memories are definitely not of the productive nature, they accelerate a feeling of dread and worry inside Landon’s mind yet again. His girlfriend Paige (Smith) has defended her stance on being as supportive as possible, but Landon’s depression continues to mount, causing serious harm to their relationship…and that’s not even half of the problem at hand.
The tension mounts as Landon’s mind begins to spiral – visions in his home and backyard, a former girlfriend who has passed away acting as some kind of cautionary entity – this guy’s in need of some HEAVY pharmaceuticals and extensive therapy sessions. The dialogue can seem a bit tedious from time to time, but for a display that runs around the 60-minute mark, it’s well placed and serves as a nice setup of what’s to come. Performances all around are stable, believable, and at times chilling – for low-budget, this group of pals should be proud of what they’ve accomplished on-screen. This comes off as much more than a horror film: it’s a delving look at the flaws of the human condition, especially after a guilt-ridden bout of mental trauma – make sure to seek this one out when it becomes available.