Creeper (Short, 2017)

Starring Harry Piaggio, Melanie Zanetti
Directed by Drew McDonald
Drew McDonald’s short film, Creeper is one of those displays that makes you wish that you slept with one eye open at all times, serving up a heaping helping of double-skeeve crammed into a sugar cone – HOLY SHIT.
Starring Melanie Zanetti as a young lady who’s somewhat disenchanted with her current guy-friend, and after a night out is headed home for a hot shower and a little TV…but she’s not going to be alone. We then cut to a fellow (Piaggio) whose interest in this pretty woman goes FAR beyond the reaches of acceptable behavior – he enters her home, disrobes and…well, I’ll just leave the rest to your sick imaginations. It’s frightening in essence, and Piaggio’s dead-eye look is the stuff of nightmares – this guy absolutely NAILS the role of a stalker down-pat, and he earns the platinum-star for his work here.
For a short film that had a less than 12 minute runtime, Creeper is by no means lacking on the eerie-ness factor, and should give everyone every conceivable reason to shine every damn light on full-beam when you get home at night…hell, go out and purchase a few spotlights as well…JEEZ, this one gave me the willies and not really much does that any more, except my tax returns (or lack thereof.) Regardless, make every effort to check this one out when it blatantly stands in your living room in the dead of night…doing nothing…except just standing there – wow, I need a beverage to settle my nerves.