Another Wolfcop Review – The Hairy Arm of the Law Is Back

Starring Leo Fafard, Yannick Bisson, Amy Matysio
Directed by Lowell Dean
Everyone’s favorite (okay, maybe not everyone’s favorite) lycanthrope/peace officer, Wolfcop returns in a sequel that is just as goofy, ballsy and over-the-top as its predecessor – only question is, will the audiences still clamor to revel in all that is this wooly beast of a cop flick, interesting enough, called Another Wolfcop.
The movie picks up a short time after the original’s conclusion, and we find Sheriff Lou Garou (aka Wolfcop) still managing to find that delicate balance between drunk lawman and bloodthirsty keeper of the peace, and he’s suddenly been thrust back into action when a new threat poses itself. A seedy billionaire tycoon named Sydney Swallows has just moseyed into the town of Woodhaven, and he’s got his hands instantly busy with his two latest interests: his brewery and his hockey team (what a combo). Now while initially everything seems on the up and up with this money-making duo of establishments, it grows clearer and clearer that this businessman has shady intentions brewing in…well, his brew, actually. Wolfcop now must turn to his long-time pal Willy to give him the lowdown on Swallows and his devious plans – you see, good old Willy was his “guinea pig” a while ago when held captive by his goons, and the after-effects of experiments have had residual trappings.
Amy Matysio returns to her role as Tina Walsh, who has recently been promoted to Chief Of Police, but sadly she doesn’t see nearly the same amount of screen-time as she did in the first film, and it hurts the story a bit, however the inclusion of Serena Miller as Willy’s fang-tastic sister was a nice touch and re-directed a bit of the attention away from Matysio’s lack of presence. We’ve even got a hilarious cameo from Kevin Smith as the town’s drunken-mayor, and this is exactly what the film needed, because unfortunately besides that aforementioned humor, there really isn’t much to rest your asses on with this presentation. Sure, there are instances of blood, guts, nudity and all around inanity, but it just didn’t seem to hit on all cylinders the way that the first film did.
I’m sure that fans of the original Wolfcop will undoubtedly lose their shit when they lay eyes upon this latest installment…and for those hoping for a little bit of continuation, YES – there is a set-up in place for a third go-round with the wolf in cop’s clothing. So dig your claws into this one if you will, but for this cat, I’m sorry to say this one was only a one-timer for me – it’s just really starting to smell like wet dog around these parts.
Beer-chugging, hip-checking – blood and balls – this film’s got the furry goods for those who didn’t tire of the original.