Bango Short Film Review – Three Isn’t Always A Crowd

Starring Comika Hartford, Rhoda Jordan Shapiro, Richard Caines
Directed by Eric Shapiro
Hell, I believe that every couple, whether they’re embroiled in complete and harmonious wedded bliss, or just testing the waters, relationship-wise, that the term “threesome” has been uttered at least once. This (hopeful for some) gentle intrusion into the boudoir can act as a lifeline for a failing couple, a boost for others, or a complete implosion of sanctity in the intimacy department. Director Eric Shapiro takes us on a 12-minute glimpse into a prospective triumvirate of sexuality, and the imminent dangers that lie in wait in Bango.
The short film places its spotlight on Sam (Hartford, who also wrote), a reserved housewife who is caring and kind to her husband Aaron (Caines), and we see the inception of a triangle-like dynamic that is in its initial stage. The third “wheel”, if you will, is Chris (Shapiro), a woman who very well may either revel or regret in her decision to enter this love dalliance, and far be it from me to blow the lid off of any details (especially for only a 12-minute quickie), I’ll keep my yapper zipped when it comes to the juicy parts.
Shapiro himself creates something that is innately provoking, yet somewhat intently disturbing all the same with this presentation, and if you’re not opening up your mind to the matter here, you’re going to get passed by when the conclusion smacks you straight in the piehole. With stirring performances from the leading ladies, this abbreviated project won’t knock you on your keester with outlandish shock imagery, but rather an avante-garde art-style that takes us back to the Hitchcock way of looking at the beauty in horror. It’s available on Amazon Prime right now so make sure to give it a once-over before inviting that chick you met at the laundromat back to your place for a little “happy-time” with you and the Missus.
For anyone ready to introduce the new-gal into the old bedroom, you might want to peep this one beforehand.