SLEEP EATERS Review – A Serious Case Of The Flesh-Munchies Strikes Back!

Starring Jason Tripp, William McDonough III, Tony Bennett
Written by Shane Grant
Directed by Shane Grant
When the state of Maine comes to mind, you’d instantly think of a name like Stephen King, but there’s a new name on the horizon…and his name is Grant. Shane Grant, that is, and his merry band of cinematic marauders has churned out the sequel to their 2016 short-film hit titled Sleep Eater – this one’s titled Sleep Eaters (the multiple fashion, mind you), and it takes the audience a bit further into the storyline, so let’s tighten up our bibs, cause there’s going to be more than a few juices splashing about and I wouldn’t want anyone’s supper clothes to get soiled.
Investigative reporter Rachel Stephens (Starr Ferris) is dogged and determined to uncover the real (and ultimately gruesome) truth about the heinous murders that have taken place in Bangor, and the face at the forefront of this investigation is “Cannibal” Kelly Anderson (Tripp), and a bit of time has passed between the killings and now, so we find Anderson on the run from the law, and we’re assisted by some helpful flashback scenes to aid those who might have forgotten where the last production left off. As if Kelly’s already got his share of troubles just trying to steer clear of the authorities, he’s run directly into the cross-hairs of a demented clan of gun-freaks that are looking for a little target practice, and off to the sidelines there sits a rather disturbing doctor who claims to have the sure for this sleep-eating disease, and with a hospital jam-packed full of guinea pigs (human variety), there’s going to be quite the mess to clean up once the credits roll in this one.
Grant has been more than happy to tell audiences and critics alike that this film was created for the paltry sum of only $700, and regardless of the minuscule allocation, the film was created by a horror fanatic and it’s more than an entertaining ride into the world of narcoleptic-noshing – there’s plenty of blood and guts to go around, and there’s even a nice portion of subtle comedy chucked into the blender to give this production a nice taste, even if you don’t like sinew and gristle residue caught up in your choppers. There are a few issues with the sound levels at times, and it can get a bit frustrating adjusting your levels every now and then, but overall Sleep Eaters is one of those guilty pleasures that really needs to be checked out to fully enjoy – horror put on display by hometown horror aficionados – now THAT’S a meal I’d run back to the serving table for seconds of!
Who says you’ve got to have millions of greenbacks to put on an effectively gruesome horror film – not in this case! DIG IN!!