Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Soundtrack)

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City released way back in March for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Some people criticized it for a number of reasons including the fact it didn’t play like anything close to the original series, while others loved the game for the thrill of going back in time to relive the classic moments of the Resident Evil franchise from a different perspective in a new title. Color us optimistic, but we were in the later minority and still stand by that statement (read our review of the game here). Among the many flaws critics and fans alike discussed about the game, no one had criticized the game’s soundtrack that was composed by renowned video game composer Shusaku Uchiyama.
The man is as talented a composer as you’ll find and was a perfect fit for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, since much of the game took us back to the events of Resident Evil 2 in Raccoon City where Uchiyama was credited with some of his first professional compositions in the video game industry. For Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Uchiyama composed the entire soundtrack which is now available from many retailers and online distributors. The game’s soundtrack is a massive collection of 75 tracks with well over an hour of content on each of the soundtrack’s two discs. The sheer amount of content alone would make this collection worth owning for only $9.99-$14.99 in most stores, however, it turns out many songs on the soundtrack are enchanting tunes that, depending on your opinion of the game, may be even better to listen to when you’re not playing Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City.
From the alluring Main Title theme that has had me sitting at the main menu of the game numerous times just to hear the track play completely through multiple times to the last song of the second disc, there are plenty of great compositions here that prove Uchiyama is a wonderful musician and a perfect choice for creating Resident Evil soundtracks moving forward. This soundtrack features a variety of genres including more suspenseful and ominous scores like Tragedy, Raccoon City Hospital and The Grey Sky to the exciting rock sounds of The U.S.S. Soldiers, Escape and Zombie Attack, and that’s just the first disc alone!
If you’re a fan of the game, picking up this soundtrack is a no-brainer. Still, there is some great music to be heard here with a nice mix of orchestral scores, techno beats and even a few rock and metal influences, and with so much content for such a low price, it’s hard to argue against the purchase. Check out the official Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City soundtrack online or in stores today!
For more information on the game, check out the official Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City website.
To purchase the game’s soundtrack, head over to the official Sumthing Digital website, or just click the Amazon link below.
Track # Title
1 Main Title
2 The U.S.S. Soldiers
3 Wolfpack
4 Briefcase
5 The Terrible Power of “G”
6 Tragedy
7 City Hall
8 Confrontation
9 Betrayal
10 Grapple I
11 A Threat Silently Lying In Wait
12 Raccoon City Hospital
13 The Sniper
14 Escape
15 Downtown Area
16 The Gray Sky
17 Blackout
18 Zombie Attack I
19 Street
20 Out of Control
21 Restart
22 Zombie Attack II
23 Police Department
24 Runaway Police Car
25 Umbrella Choppers
26 Plan B
27 You Are Dead
28 Tyrant
29 Wolfpack (Reprise)
30 Restricted Access
31 Concealed Enemy
32 Witnessing Their Farewell
33 Resurrection From the Flames
34 Pursuit (Confrontation II)
35 Capture
36 Atrocity
37 “We’ve Got Orders”
38 End Roll 1
39 End Roll 2
40 The Spec Ops Team
41 Command
42 Raccoon City
43 Echo Six
44 Pursuer
45 Thrash
46 My Last Round
47 Grapple II
48 Zombie Attack III
49 Massive Explosion
50 Not Quite Down For the Count
51 Nemesis
52 Blast Furnace
53 Map Found
54 Sewers
55 Umbrella’s Facility
56 The Lost Child
57 Anxiety
58 Confident Progress
59 Labyrinth
60 Counter-Attack
61 Grapple III
62 Parasite Swarm
63 Deafening Silence
64 Breakthrough
65 Sharp Claws
66 Despair
67 Close Call
68 Train Yard
69 An Enemy to Fear
70 Success!
71 Take Two
72 Close Quarters Combat
73 The Spec Ops Team (Remix)
74 Atrocity (Original Ver.)
75 Transformation

4 out of 5