‘PussyCake’ Is One Of The Grossest Movies Of The Year [Review]

Screambox’s original film PussyCake is a Queer, punk, women-led splatterfest that is equally gross and refreshing. The movie feels like a student film in all the right ways. People had fun here and chose violence over quality. PussyCake is not concerned with what people are into. It doesn’t care what they’re going to say, or about any social media scrutiny that comes with creating anything. It’s serving B-movie realness and came here to gross you out and have a good time.
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The movie is centered on an indie all-girl rock band, PussyCake, trying to kick off a tour to spark interest in their music. Unfortunately, the next stop on their tour is a town overrun by some gross critters that turn people into zombies. PussyCake find themselves banding together as they avoid bodily fluids, toilet terrors, and death. All while in their clothes from the previous night’s gig, which was not zombie tested or approved!
Very few movies are as effortlessly disgusting as PussyCake. Within the first seven minutes, it becomes clear that this is a splatterfest. It will rain buckets of bodily fluids and we are welcome. I’m having a visceral reaction just thinking about the scenes of zombies grabbing heads and trying to puke into their mouths. I sincerely believe most of the budget went to liquids. I was equally grossed out, and nostalgic for the wild-ass Troma movies I stumbled across in my youth that left me wondering what the hell I had watched.
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This movie’s mission statement is to promote barf and blood. When I was starting to get used to the zombies doubling as vomit fountains, they ripped a character’s stomach open, and we watched her organs fall out in a red gut soup. I cannot stress enough that while none of this looks real, it still looks nasty. Which is great for the people who had to work out all these gnarly practicals. However, it makes it hard to find anything else memorable amid the vomit showers. It also makes a lot of the character choices kind of laughable as they’re working towards the next gross moment. I’m not knocking it because it’s a very specific type of movie, and it does that type of movie very well. But I’m unfortunately not the audience.

As I was trying to figure out where I stand with PussyCake they ripped someone’s head apart, and my inner chaos queen giggled. I’m rooting for these gross girls to find their fans, and I would buy a t-shirt. PussyCake is worth checking out to see women characters, at least a few of which are Queer, lead a Troma film. It’s super cheap, super sickening, and very punk. If you watched Psycho Goreman and wanted it to be a little less kid-friendly, then this is probably for you. If you ever watched Spice World and thought it would be better if the girls were grungy and dodging bile, then hit play immediately.
PussyCake spews onto Screambox on August 30th. Screambox offers a 30-day free trial if you’re not already a subscriber. Let me know if you check out Pussycake at @misssharai.
It’s one of the grossest movies of this decade so far. Beneath buckets of disgusting practical effects is an undeniable charm. I foresee it finding its fanbase soon, and I think it’s worth the rental/subscription price for many folks.