‘Interview with the Vampire’ Season 2 Review: AMC+’s Underrated Gem Is Back and Better Than Ever

It’s hard to find an adaptation that not only lives up to the hype of the material it’s based on, but also elevates its materials. Oftentimes, adaptations fail to either capture the magic that gave these books or plays a fanbase, or fizzle out before in the last few seasons. While it’s hard to find standouts, there are some, but sadly, the best example of this has gone completely underseen. AMC+’s Interview with the Vampire initially debuted in the fall of 2022, to praise from fans but dismissal or little coverage by major media outlets. Despite this, the show is not only one of the best book adaptations ever, but one of the best television shows in the history of the medium.
Season 2 begins immediately where the first left off, with Louis (Jacob Anderson) and Claudia (now played by Delainey Hayles) traveling through Europe during World War II in an attempt at a new life. Despite cast changes and two years since the series premiered, Interview with the Vampire does an excellent job at welcoming us back into this universe, though this time it is undeniably darker. As Louis and Claudia set off to find other vampires, the two also attempt to carve out new versions of themselves. Now free of Lestat’s (Sam Reid) ever-present smothering aura, each of them must decide who they are not only outside of him, but outside of each other as well.
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For Claudia, her newfound freedom invigorates her, allowing her a space to be the vampire she always dreamed of being. Louis on the other hand is almost imprisoned by the opportunity to live a life outside of the toxic one he built with Lestat. “You carry him in here,” Claudia tells him early on in their journey, pointing to Louis’ heart. She doesn’t forgive him for keeping Lestat alive, and perhaps she never will. Still, the bond between her and Louis is an unbreakable one, despite the tests they will endure together and separately throughout this new season.
Both of their arcs become tethered to a relationship that may give Lestat a run for his money, though, as they finally do find the vampires Claudia was so desperately searching for. This new coven—operating the Théâtre des Vampires as a means to quench their thirst in a more…ethical way—is filled with suspicious characters. From Louis’ new love interest Armand (Assad Zaman) the coven’s leader to the campy yet terrifying Santiago (Ben Daniels) it becomes clear quite quickly that searching for other vampires may not have been the right move.
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In the present day, Louis relates this story to Daniel (Eric Bogosian) whom he gets closer with as the season goes along. The two of them share a faulty memory and spend a significant amount of time together attempting to unravel the tangled thread inside their heads. Armand is now participating in the interview “off the record” in the first episode, but finally relents at Louis’ request and goes “on the record” later on. Each time he speaks or interrupts Louis, a simmering dread follows. Each word he speaks is cloaked in an air of mystery. His answers feel crafted not just for Daniel’s interview, but for Louis, as well.
Unlike the first season of Interview with the Vampire, the present-day Dubai-set section is just as enthralling as the retelling of Louis and Claudia’s time in Paris. Adding Armand to the interview is a fantastic creative choice, and aids in the overall tension of the series. It’s clear with his presence that there is an underlying connection between him, Louis, and Daniel. Yet he may be the only person to truly understand that. As the other two men begin to bond, Louis and Armand stray away from each other, allowing the chemistry between all three actors to crackle like a fire slowly eating away at the walls of the penthouse where they’re all speaking.
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Anderson, Bogosian, and Zaman are a match made in television heaven, working together like an on-screen trio who have been coworkers for decades. Anderson in particular feels like a revelation to watch, and each time he’s on screen it’s impossible not to be stunned into silence. While Claudia feels pride for her vampirism, especially in the company of their new coven, Louis feels nothing but shame. Anderson wears this shame upon his face with such reverence it’s nearly startling, and he continues to give one of the best performances put to screen in the 2020s.
When Claudia asks, “Who are you outside of me?” He can’t bring himself to answer the question sincerely, as if without Claudia (and Lestat) he can’t imagine himself as a person. It’s a performance that bleeds into every aspect of the show, shining in both Paris and Dubai.
Along with Anderson is Hayles, who comes into the season adopting Claudia’s (and Bass’) likeness perfectly. This new version of Claudia is introduced to us emerging from the ground, covered in earth and soot. As she peels herself out of a hollow cavern, her eyes–red and glowing–peer past the camera into the distance. It’s not only a fantastic entrance, but one so mesmerizing it sets the tone for Claudia’s arc this season and for newcomer Delainey Hayles’s performance. While she’s similar to Bailey Bass’ iteration, this version of the character feels hardened and mature. It works well with this season’s darker tone, and Hayles fits perfectly not only amongst her cast members, but in the world Anne Rice originally crafted.
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With Season 2, the series has upped the ante, and it’s clear that the creators are only just getting started. It’s rare to see something like this on screen; not only has the show brought the novel’s queerness to the forefront, and in turn allowed these characters and their motivations to blossom, but it treats its supernatural aspects with the utmost care and respect. Stories like this are often treated like a joke. Here, it’s clear that everyone involved, from costume designer Carol Cutshall to composer Daniel Hart, has put their heart into crafting one of the best horror series of all time.
Interview with the Vampire is in a league of its own. This newest season allows the material it’s inspired by to haunt every minute of each episode, and fans of the books will undoubtedly be on the edge of their seat. Not only is it a fantastic adaptation of Rice’s work, but it’s a reinvention of the source material and one that in turn makes the books and the show all the better. It feels as if the writers and directors meticulously scanned each word Rice put to the page and crafted a significant moment dedicated to said word. Interview with the Vampire season two may just be one of the best series of the year.
Interview With The Vampire may just be one of the best series of the year.
Categorized:Reviews Television