Holliston – Season 2 (Blu-ray)

Adam Green, Joe Lynch, Corri English, Laura Ortiz, Dee Snider, Dave Brockie
Directed by Adam Green, Sean Becker
Written by Adam Green
Distributed by Image Entertainment
During its debut season, fans absolutely fell in love with Adam Green’s horror-flavored sitcom, “Holliston”. Both genre fans and non-horror folks alike found something that they loved about this quirky little show they watched on FEARnet, FEARnet.com or iTunes. There was just something so precious about this cast of characters that made them easy to fall in love with. Fans of the show will be glad to know that everything that attracted them about Season One of “Holliston” is back for the sophomore effort, and more.
Season Two of “Holliston” is a quantum leap forward for a show that was already very, very good. Season Two shows incredible progress. Green’s writing is sharp as always, but it’s so much more focused. The plotlines are strong and the story is moving forward. No longer is “Holliston” about the random misadventures of the cast. Now it’s about the random misadventures of the cast, but it happens among a much bigger story arc. Being the intense planner that he is, Green must certainly had this arc in mind during the first year of the show, but as viewers it was hard to really pick up on it. It just seemed like a very funny show that went one episode at a time. Now “Holliston” has real direction. And with this newfound substance, the characters become even more enjoyable. We’re now more in tune with the wants and needs of each of the four main characters of the show and this gives them a real depth they didn’t have in the past.
Several storylines run through “Holliston, Season 2”. There’s Laura’s acceptance to art school in Germany and Joe’s insistence that she doesn’t go. Adam is back in the dating scene and seems to be enjoying his experiences, while Corri is having real trouble adjusting to life without Adam’s constant attention. The Mass Cable Company is closing, which will leave the boys without a job and several new regular characters are added, including Green’s real-life spouse Rileah Vanderbilt.
A great arc this year is the season actually shows viewers the process of making a movie. As the episodes roll along, we see the boys going through actual steps they would have to take to make their short movie, Shinpads…”When they score, you die.” From putting together the cast to green screening special F/X, right up to premiering at a farm…film festival, it’s all covered in “Holliston: Season 2”.
But they don’t stop there, the show also does a bunch of theme episodes (where do they fit all this in with just 10 episodes is beyond me). There’s a found-footage episode, an animated episode and even a werewolf ep. These all come off as fantastic parodies that the cast does a great job with, especially Corri English and Laura Ortiz who are always good for a laugh.
All these improvements to the show are wonderful, but the best news is Season Two, “Holliston” is still really, really funny. Green, Joe Lynch, English and Ortiz play off each other so well it’s amazing. And the show is fast. You’ve really got to pay attention or you are sure to miss a joke or horror reference one of the cast members slide in. Dee Snider’s Lance Rockett gets laughs every time he steps on the screen, as does Dave Brockie as his alter ego, Oderus Urungus. As the writer’s mouthpiece to say just about anything he wants and get away with it (see the infamous Kurt Cobain line if you need proof that Oderus has no boundaries) Oderus is hilarious and apt to say anything at any time. Although other characters do say some outrageous things from time to time, you can always count on Oderus to be vile and slay the audience.
Another aspect of the first season of “Holliston” the fans loved were the great cameos by horror celebrities. And once again, Season 2 is loaded with them. Returning from Season One are Bill Moseley, Kane Hodder, Derek Mears, Seth Green and Danielle Harris. And viewers will now love appearances by David Naughton, Bailey Madison, Paul Solet and James Gunn.
The Blu-ray special features will give you a great behind-the-scenes experience. In addition to the 10 full episodes of Season 2, you get the beloved “Holliston: Christmas Episode”. This is like a bridge between Seasons 1 and 2 and, even though much of it is a flashback episode, it can be marked as the moment where the quality of the show moved to the next level. Also each episode can be watched with a commentary track featuring members of the cast and crew. There are also a bunch of deleted scenes, bloopers, music videos and footage from the “Holliston” panel at the Rock and Shock horror convention where the entire cast held a live reading, complete with audience members and surprise celebrity guests. The presentation resulted in a standing ovation from the packed house.
“Holliston, Season 2” takes a fantastic idea and builds greatly upon it. The show possesses such heart and has built a large and rabid fanbase and this Blu-ray is a complete look at everything the show has to offer. It’s touching, it’s hilarious, it’s gross and it’s for horror fans. A sit-com by horror fans, for horror fans. Who would have ever thought something like this would ever exist? “Holliston” continues to shine in Season 2 and this Blu-ray is a great way to enjoy it.
Special Features
- Uncut Holliston: Christmas Episode
- Episode specific commentary tracks
- Blooper reel
- Music videos
- “Holliston” panel at the Rock and Shock horror convention
4 1/2 out of 5
Special Features:
4 out of 5
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