Wrestlemaniac (DVD)


Wrestlemaniac DVD (click for larger image)Reviewed by Uncle Creepy

Starring Rey Misterio, Irwin Keyes, Leyla Milani, Adam Huss

Directed by Jesse Baget

Distributed by Anchor Bay Entertainment

So what happens when you lose the prime location for your movie just hours before you’re set to shoot, thereby flushing your script down the toilet? Simple: You say your prayers, eat your vitamins, point your cameras at the ample asses of many hot chicks, and splash as much gore around as possible, brother! While this normally would seem like an absolute disaster in most hands, for director Jesse Baget and company it was just another day in paradise.

The story is simple and was written on the fly complete with improvised dialogue. Some porn makers are on their way to shoot their latest flesh flick when along the way (and due to various circumstances) they stumble upon a sleepy little ghost town called La Sangre De Dios. Given its isolation, the setting seems perfect to get the deed done, and all is fine, slutty, and dandy for our troupe. That is until a crazed luchador by the name of El Mascarado (Misterio) happens to take issue with his hometown being used as a gangbang den. The only way to dispose of these intruders while honoring his wrestling heritage is to unmask them all or, in this case, remove their faces and nail the dripping trophies to the walls of his gym. Three words … Hell fucking yeah!

Wrestlemaniac DVD (click for larger image)For the people out there who were more than a little excited when I mentioned the word “porn” (you know who you are; we are all staring at you), though there’s not a lot of nudity, rest assured there’s still lots to stare at. Eye candy abounds, and Baget at times seems to have his camera pretty much connected to the asses of his actresses and looks for any and all reasons for them to disrobe (either accidentally or on purpose), bend in pretty incredible positions, and of course wet down their clothing. Russ Meyer would be proud.

It’s a wonder that Wrestlemaniac got made at all. You have to give it to everyone involved. Not only did they pull their collective asses out of the fire, but they also managed to turn in a flick that is nothing short of great splattery fun. There’s no doubt some will cry foul and complain about every little thing under the sun, from acting to whatever else, but the folks behind this weren’t shooting for an epic. Wrestlemaniac never takes itself too seriously and never tries to be anything more than exactly what it is — cheesy fun to drink beer to.

In terms of supplemental material, unfortunately this DVD just doesn’t weigh in. Even though it’s sporting an absolutely engaging commentary with director Jesse Baget, director of photography Tabbert Fiiller, and actor Adam Huss, the only other goodies to be found here are some trailers and a brief behind-the-scenes featurette. The story surrounding this flick is amazing. One would assume it would be riddled with enough fodder for at least another hour of stuff. Instead we come up on the short side of the fence. Still, even if it were bare bones, if you’re a slasher fan, then Wrestlemaniac deserves a spot sitting pretty in your collection.

Though it’s far from perfect and has probably more than its fair share of pitfalls, this flick will most likely entertain you more than you’d admit. It’s a ride riddled with blood, guts, fine asses, and bouncing tits. What more could you want? Turn off your brain, turn up the sound, and revel in its absolute absurdity.

Special Features

  • Audio commentary by director Jesse Baget, director of photography Tabbert Fiiller, and actor Adam Huss
  • Wrestling the Wrestlemaniac behind-the-scenes featurette
  • Trailer


    3 1/2 out of 5

    Special Features:

    2 1/2 out of 5

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