Dead Fury (DVD)

Reviewed by Uncle Creepy
Written, directed, voiced, produced, edited, and scored by Frank Sudol
Distributed by Unearthed Films
A couple of years ago an animated zombie flick came out that just knocked me on my ass! That film was Frank Sudol’s City of Rott (review here), and it still remains high upon my favorite obscure movie list. When news of Frank’s next project, Dead Fury, broke, I was beyond excited but also a tiny bit worried. Could lightning strike twice, or would this second feature become a gag that’s getting a little too old? I’m thrilled to say Dead Fury not only remains on top of its game, but it outdoes City of Rott at every turn!
Let me start off by saying this is not a sequel but an entirely original tale that mainly takes its cues from horror favorites The Evil Dead and The Hills Have Eyes.
Dead Fury tells the tale of a very Ash-like dude named Max and his hunting party as they traverse a section of the woods they have no business being in. It turns out this bit of land is home to a bevy of demonic freaks who only have one thing on their agenda — possess the body of anyone who dares to trespass upon their land.
Before you can say “JOIN US”, the blood starts flying, guns start popping, and all manner of tools, both power and otherwise, are used to dispatch these devilish creatures non-stop. Will Max and his company survive the night, or will they simply end up dead by dawn?
First and foremost Dead Fury is nothing short of an absolute love letter to the films that it borrows from. It’s an homage in every sense of the word. It’s obvious now that with City of Rott Sudol was just stepping up to bat. Here he knocks it out of the park. Once again Frank wears all hats on this production from the voice work to the editing to the direction. The guy’s a crazed one-man army of mad animated genius. He shies away from nothing and as a result has delivered one of the single most carnage happy, no-holds-barred, mayhem filled, freak shows that I’ve had the pleasure of sitting through.
Don’t let the cartoonish look fool you. Dead Fury is as savage and sadistic with its violence as any splatter-fest you’re likely to have seen. Heads explode, bodies are eviscerated, limbs are hacked, and blood floods the screen with reckless abandon in nearly every frame of this eighty-two-minute feature.
On top of all that Frank’s dialogue and delivery is at times fucking hilarious. There were moments that I nearly doubled over while laughing. This is one of those things that’s better left to speak for itself. No description I give can do it justice.
The DVD is also pretty well stacked. Unearthed Films delivers another great package that starts off with an audio commentary by Frank that’s just as funny as the movie itself. It’s clear that this man loves what he does. He conveys it in every word, and you cannot help but have a good time. From there we get a five-minute making-of that tackles the animation process, and then there’s over forty minutes of deleted and extended scenes. Tack on a still gallery and some trailers, and we’re out the door looking pretty damned good!
Do yourself a favor and put this DVD on the top of your must-have list yesterday! Click the link below, Net-Flix it, whatever, just see this movie. Dead Fury is without question the ultimate experience in grueling animated horror. Here’s to hoping for a third film! Keep the chunks flying and the blood flowing, baby!
Special Features

5 out of 5
Special Features:
3 out of 5
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