Listing, The (Short, 2015)

Starring Erin Cummings, Rob Zabrecky, Dan John Miller
Directed by Luke Jaden
While the prospect of purchasing a new home is a terrifying one, nothing can prepare you for what’s inside The Listing – a short from director Luke Jaden. It’s a real estate nightmare unleashed as part of The Stanley Film Festival’s Dean’s Cup Student Competition 2015.
With only a 9-minute runtime, no time is wasted in setting the scene for this realtor’s ordeal from hell: a dilapidated two-story house with a creepy record player spinning an even creepier tune, with tattered furniture strewn about, giving off that “definitely haunted” feel to it. And we haven’t even breached as to what is growling in the basement with both fresh and decayed animal remains covering the floors.
Ready to put a bid in yet on this tremendous opportunity? Time’s running out.
When our friendly real estate agent shows up to clean the mess, we feast our eyes on what’s been “feasting” in the home for some time, with one jump scare that will surely have you checking your shorts for bacon strips – I guarantee it. Jaden’ s direction is simple, yet terrifyingly effective – no muss, no fuss, a base minimum of dialogue, and a whole lot of “WHOA!!”
For only a less than 10-minute display, this is one of those shorts that you gather your friends around the computer to check out, simply to watch their reaction. Well done all around and highly recommended.