8 Horror Movies That Are Free On YouTube Today

YouTube is life! I spend a lot of time on the internet and am always surprised at how many movies I can find for free. We talk a lot about Tubi, PlutoTV, and the other regular suspects. However, we keep pretending YouTube isn’t also serving us some quality (and sometimes questionable) horror. Sure, we talked about some of their found footage finds, and we should all be subscribing to Alter. I think I’ve managed to sneak in that it’s the only place to stream Abby into more articles than I’ve actually written. That’s just the surface though. I’m here to share my notes so we can all pass this group assignment that is catching these movies while they’re zero dollars.
Along Came The Devil (2018)
A troubled youth accidentally invites an evil force to wreak havoc on her life. I know nothing about this movie other than Sydney Sweeney (Euphoria) is in the cast and it’s sometimes called Tell Me Your Name. While double-checking both of those statements were true I found out Bruce Davison (Willard, 1971) is also playing a reverend. I do know that it feels like it’s going to be worth talking about. Whether that’s for the right reasons remains to be seen though.
Darkness Falls (2003)
The Tooth Fairy seeking revenge on a town that killed her 150 years ago terrorizes the one only kid that ever got away. I loved this movie when I was a kid and would’ve followed Emma Caulfield anywhere in the genre. That being said, I haven’t seen it as an adult because I can never catch it streaming for free. I refuse to pay to have my few good childhood memories be ruined so I’m definitely going to check this out while it’s on YouTube. Even though my friends that rewatched it last year have already confirmed that’s a bad idea.
The Mimic (2017)
A woman takes in a lost child and then finds out that it might not be human. Because the description I found mentions the woman’s missing child, I think this is going to be a reflection of grief and loss. It’s giving me a hint of The Orphange with a little shot of The Babadook on the side. Kids are inherently creepy so these kinds of movies usually get my money. This is also a Korean horror film and I have yet to bad time with Korean horror. This is probably going to be my personal favorite of the week.
The Mist (2007)
A storm sets loose a bunch of critters on a small town forcing the survivors to hide out in a supermarket. This divisive Stephen King adaptation is just sitting on YouTube waiting for us to revisit it and see how we feel after these years away. While I’ve mentioned The Stand (1994) and Storm of the Century can be found on YouTube in previous streaming guides, both of those are a much heftier time commitment than this two-hour ride. But I don’t know your life. Maybe you want to hole up in your home and watch SK disaster movies for a couple of days. Follow your bliss.
Want time with Uncle Stephen but not in the mood for his end of the world shenanigans? Then YouTube also has Stephen King’s A Good Marriage and the classic Sometimes They Come Back.
Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (2010)
If you’re as obsessed with A Nightmare on Elm Street as I am, then you probably want to visit, or revisit, this documentary. This film takes a look at how the original film came to be. There’s a lot to nerd out about here in this four-hour gift to Freddy Fans. There are also a metric shit ton of interviews that include Wes Craven, Robert Englund, Heather Langenkamp, and Mark Patton to name a few. It’s definitely the hardest hit to the nostalgia button on the list and also the most informational.
If you’ve already seen this documentary and want to know more about Elm Street’s legacy then check out Patton’s Scream, Queen! My Nightmare On Elm Street on Shudder.
Solstice (2007)
While on vacation, a woman starts to feel her dead twin’s presence. I’m clearly here to see people who can afford vacations have an awful time on those vacations. I’m a bitter party of one, but always the life of the party. This movie has Amanda Seyfried, Shawn Ashmore, and even Hilarie Burton but I had never heard of it until yesterday. As a child that sat in front of a TV and stared at these three people almost constantly, that scares me. I’m worried I’ll hit play and find out my life has been a lie and it’ll cause the matrix to glitch. That or I’ll watch it once and then make my friends watch it with me three more times as we open a missing film’s case because how the hell did this get by us?
Slumber Party Massacre 3 (1990)
A new group of teens has their slumber party wrecked by another dude with a drill. If you’re like me, you’ve watched the first two parts of this trilogy and have been waiting for this closure. Because the second one was…a movie, I never wanted to risk paying to own the third for this closure though. Well, being a cheap ass has paid off! This movie was quietly added to YouTube just in time for spring break and I have already watched it twice. This find is super special because this is the first time the full trilogy has been streaming for possibly the first time in history. It’s also quality timing because you can also stream the reboot of Slumber Party Massacre on Syfy. Make that massacre a whole week event, y’all!
Zaat (1971)
A scientist turns himself into a catfish. This sci-fi film was mentioned to me by a friend and I have been laughing ever since. I was laughing as he tried to explain more of the details, I was laughing as I Googled it, and I’m laughing as I write this. I love old sci-fi because it reminds me of simpler times when people really believed we’d make giant leaps in science and space travel by now. If they only knew 2022 would see us ordering dates and food on phone apps instead of figuring out hover cars! I’m trying to wait to watch this with people because it seems like the kind of chaos you want friends for.
Let me know what you’re watching on YouTube at @misssharai.
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