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Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg Walt Disney Studios announced today that they are launching a touring exhibition featuring the art of Tim…

Source Name: M.Marcus Source Url: Post Thumb: /may12/frankenweenies.jpg I see a bad moon rising. I see a poster on…

Post Thumb: /aug11/mppthumb.jpg In this week’s installment of MPP, Trembles takes on The Cabin in the Woods as only he…

Post Thumb: /oct11/statics.jpg It was during last year’s AFM that the next 3D horror flick coming at you from music…

Source Name: DVD Active Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/wraththumb.jpg The next feature in Warner Bros. proposed Titans trilogy, Wrath…

Post Thumb: /may11/baits.jpg While we’re still waiting patiently for Anchor Bay to chum the waters with a release date, the…

Post Thumb: /jun11/drac.jpg The first true trailer for Dario Argento’s Dracula 3D is here and it looks … well ……

Post Thumb: /sep11/collections.jpg Just in time for Cannes a new, albeit tiny, image from the Marcus Dunstan-directed sequel The Collection…

Post Thumb: /aug11/franken.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie1x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie2x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie3x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie4x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie5x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie6x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie7x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie8x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie9x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie10x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie11x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie12x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie13x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie14x’, ‘/gallery/frankenweenie/frankenweenie15x’…

Post Thumb: /oct11/dflights.jpg While the jury is still out on exactly what the hell the official title of this movie…

Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr12/attack50.jpg Roger Corman graced Syfy with a Sharktopus. For his foray into…