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On this day in horror history, the fifth installment in the A Nightmare on Elm Street film series A Nightmare…

Warning: Talking about the endings of horror movies means we’re venturing deep into Spoiler Territory! For a list of the…

Last summer, Robert Englund said he’s like to see Kevin Bacon take over as Freddy Krueger in a new A…

Frightmare HQ Live discussion on 1984: The Year in Horror Movies! Flicks like Children of the Corn, A Nightmare on…

For those of you that might not know, HBO Max launched yesterday. And today we wanted to pass along word…

JJ Villard’s Fairy Tales is a new, twisted, fun take on the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tales like Cinderella and…

As we (somewhat) gets over the Coronavirus pandemic, A Nightmare on Elm Street stars Heather Langenkamp, Lisa Wilcox, Mark Patton,…

Did you know that Robert Englund almost hosted a reality TV series based on Wes Craven’s classic 1984 supernatural slasher…

Based on the characters created by Wes Craven in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, In Dreams follows Cheyenne…

Writer-director Wes Craven’s estate recently snagged back the rights to the A Nightmare on Elm Street series from New Line with…