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Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /mar13/enders-game-posters.jpg Despite getting some really good reviews, the box office returns for…

Post Thumb: /mar13/enders-game-posters.jpg Mondo sure is on a roll lately, as evidenced by yet another film getting their special one-sheet…

Post Thumb: /jul13/haunter-poster-s.jpg The first clip from the upcoming spooker from Vincenzo Natali, entitled

Post Thumb: /mar13/enders-game-posters.jpg More treats have arrived for Ender’s Game in the form of another clip, entitled “Ender’s Army,” and…

Post Thumb: /mar13/enders-game-posters.jpg All sorts of cool stuff has arrived for Ender’s Game, and we have the whole pretty looking…

Source Name: The Wrap Source Url: Post Thumb: /oct13/joely-richardson.jpg Parental units are crucial to the healthy upbringing of their…

Post Thumb: /mar13/enders-game-posters.jpg Another new TV spot has come in for Ender’s Game, and you are among those “Chosen” to…

Post Thumb: /mar13/enders-game-posters.jpg Okay, so who’s ready for 4 new posters and a new TV spot for Summit Entertainment’s Ender’s…

Post Thumb: /sep13/maggie-s.jpg Arnold Schwarzenegger hit off his Twitter followers with the first behind-the-scenes still from his zombie flick Maggie,…

Cover art: reviews/haunter-poster-s.jpg Starring Abigail Breslin, Stephen McHattie, Michelle Nolden, Peter Outerbridge, Peter DaCunha Directed by Vincenzo Natali Groundhog Day…