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Go on the ride of your life when NIGHT DRIVE, starring AJ Bowen, arrives in theaters and on VOD August…

One of my favorite books in quite some time is Grady Hendrix’s My Best Friend’s Exorcism. You can read my…

Having had its world premiere at Fantastic Fest, it was time for everyone associated with Applecart to begin chatting about…

Days 2 and 3 at Fantastic Fest featured brawls in cell blocks, singing and dancing to the zombie apocalypse, and…

The first teaser trailer for the intense looking Applecart has arrived and on top of looking absolutely gorgeous, it also…

A new teaser trailer hit the Net today for a film we haven’t heard much about, but that changes now…

Magnet Releasing is setting the mind-bending sci-fi noir Synchronicity loose in theaters on January 22, 2016; and to get you…

AFM is right around the corner! Synchronicity (review), the long awaited solo feature debut from Jacob Gentry, co-director of The…

Starring Chad McKnight, AJ Bowen, Brianne Davis, Michael Ironside Written and directed by Jacob Gentry Distributed by Magnet Proving the…