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Cover art: reviews/godzilla-ebirah-blu-ray-s.jpg Starring Akira Takarada, Kumi Mizuno, Chôtarô Tôgin, Hideo Sunazuka Directed by Jun Fukuda Distributed by Kraken Releasing/Section…

Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg Now this? This is a contest worthy of the moniker of Godzilla! Strap in and cross your…

Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg In this latest “Meet the Director” video Godzilla head honcho Gareth Edwards reflects on his filmmaking heroes.…

Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg Legendary Pictures wants you to envision what you and your friends would look like if Godzilla was…

Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg There are few things as important as the look of Godzilla for Godzilla to be Godzilla, but…

Source Name: LA Times Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg With all the good Godzilla news coming out this past…

Post Thumb: /aug11/godzilla.jpg The legendary Japanese actor Akira Takarada recently had a birthday party he’ll never forget during New Jersey’s…

Post Thumb: /aug11/godzilla.jpg We’re still floating on air thanks to the news that legendary actor Akira Takarada, who had a…

Post Thumb: /aug11/godzilla.jpg A couple of weeks ago we were one of the few sites to get behind the worthwhile…