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Alex Garland, known in the world of horror for penning 28 Days Later, made his directorial debut last year with…

We learned last year that Alex Garland’s (Ex Machina) next is sci-fi movie Annihilation, and as we reported back in…

Let’s play a little game, shall we? Every so often we post news that we’ve learned, not rumor or conjecture.…

There’s been various chatter over the years regarding a new 28 film to round out the trilogy started with 28…

Ever since she masturbated her way into our horror-loving hearts in Black Swan before going all murderous, we’ve been wondering…

Starring Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac, Alicia Vikander Directed by Alex Garland As it’s explained early on in the film Ex…

Ever since the 2012 release of blood-soaked action flick Dredd, fans have been clamoring for a sequel. Regardless, it is…

The official trailer for Alex Garland’s directorial debut, Ex Machina, has it the interwebs, and we have your first look!…

A new bit of poster art is here for Alex Garland’s directorial debut, Ex Machina, and we have every pixel…

It’s been a long time since last we heard anything regarding the sequel to both 28 Days Later and 28…

Back in 2012 the surprisingly badass Judge Dredd reboot entitled Dredd (review) wormed its way into the hearts of several…