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Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg Several new names have been added to the cast of Legendary Pictures’ highly anticipated take on Godzilla,…

Source Name: Things From Another World Website Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg Last week we told you that one…

Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg In our never-ending quest to bring you every sliver of Godzilla-related news, we’ve got some more cast…

Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg Now that the release of Legendary Pictures’ Godzilla is drawing closer, more casting news has come in…

Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg Just as the headline suggests, stars Bryan Cranston and Elizabeth Olsen took part in an interview regarding…

Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg It’s taken some time for this video to leak, and it’s getting pulled down in a hurry…

Source Name: Kaiju Cast on Twitter Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul13/godzilla-poster-s.jpg Not sure how long this is gonna be…