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Uncategorized November 18, 2008
If you can give Tim Burton anything, it’s that he gets his actors to wear some pretty ridiculous things in…
Uncategorized October 24, 2008
Some good news came down regarding Tim Burton’s upcoming unnecessary re-interpretation of Lewis Carroll’s
Uncategorized October 7, 2008
Ah ha! Finally it has happened — the inevitable casting of Burton regular Helena Bonham Carter in his latest film,
Uncategorized October 1, 2008
Michael Sheen, no relation to Charlie or Martin, has joined the cast of Tim Burton’s twisted re-imagining of
Uncategorized September 24, 2008
Oh, like we didn’t all guess this was going to happen the moment Tim Burton’s name was thrown into the…
Uncategorized September 10, 2008
I may not be the biggest fan of Tim Burton, but the thought of his style used to populate Lewis…
Uncategorized July 24, 2008
Tim Burton’s search for a girl to put through the looking glass has finally come to an end. According to…
July 6, 2006
As I’m sure you know by now, Marilyn Manson is making a movie called Phantasmagoria. Personally I couldn’t be happier,…