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Each April 6th we celebrate Alien Day by honoring one of the greatest characters in film history: Ellen Ripley, last…

What better way to celebrate Alien Day on April 26th than with your own, life-sized Xenomorph replica? A stunningly terrifying,…

Earlier this morning, some of your favorite filmmakers weighed in with their Five Perfect Movies including Edgar Wright (Shaun of…

As the Coronavirus pandemic sweeps the globe, more and more peeps are taking to wearing mask when they have to…

According to The Perfect Organism Podcast – who claims to have been in regular contact with several key players at…

Return of the Living Dead screenwriter Dan O’Bannon’s original screenplay for Ridley Scott’s Alien is headed our way this April…

Since before Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox, rumors of an Alien TV series have been swirling rampantly. 99% of…

Those goofy plastic Halloween buckets many of us used for trick-or-treating back in the day are coming back into vogue–but…

Over 40 years after it’s release, Alien (directed by Ridley Scott) remains a paradigm of horror/sci-fi and the subject of…

Four decades after its release, Alien remains one of the most lauded and studies horror/sci-fi film ever made; it’s considered a…

In 1979, cinematic history was made when Ridley Scott’s Alien was released. The film introduced the world to the Xenomorph,…