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Born on October 8, 1949 in Manhattan, the commanding brunet we know and love as Alien’s iconic Ripley is from…

Scream Factory has just announced that they will be releasing The Resurrected for the first time ever on Blu-ray on…

It’s Comic-Con time and our own Steve “Uncle Creepy” Barton is on site to get all the horror and genre…

NECA has revealed that Aliens director James Cameron will be joining the USCM as an action figure, as reported by…

“Rick and Morty” has quickly become a phenomenon, developing a truly passionate fan base who enjoy their humor delivered in…

The egg hive sequences in Alien and Aliens are both absolutely amazing for two completely different reasons. In the former,…

You can always count on Sideshow for some top-of-the-line collectibles from the Alien franchise, and they’ve just teased two new…

Were you a fan of Alien: Covenant? Me? I liked the first half and then checked out shortly after Michael…

Dark Horse always brings quite an assortment of exclusives to the San Diego Comic-Con, and this year is no exception.…

Another infographic is here thanks to website, and this one examines what the top alien-themed movies are in each…