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Uncategorized November 30, 2009
A new promo picture from John Carpenter’s The Ward showed up on the Premiere Picture website, and we’ve got a…
Uncategorized October 13, 2009
Make room for Daddy! On October 16th Sony and director Nelson McCormick will be bringing us their remake of The…
Uncategorized October 5, 2009
Not that there was much doubt due to the mass appeal of Woody Harrelson and comedies in general (even those…
Uncategorized September 25, 2009
This scribe hit earlier today the press junket (which become more like a press conference) on the Santa Monica Pier…
Uncategorized September 23, 2009
Another clip appeared online today for
Uncategorized September 23, 2009
We are so stoked for
Uncategorized September 21, 2009
On October 16th Sony and director Nelson McCormick will be bringing us their remake of The Stepfather, which will hopefully…
Uncategorized September 15, 2009
Over twenty new stills for Ruben Fleischer’s upcoming zomcom
September 14, 2009
Reviewed by Nomad Starring Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Amber Heard, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin Directed by Ruben Fleischer In our…
Uncategorized September 10, 2009
To survive in a world in which the dead want nothing more than to make you a box lunch, you…
Uncategorized September 9, 2009
Stepparents can really suck. Especially if they’re of the psychopathic ready to kill at the drop of a dime variety.…
Uncategorized August 27, 2009
We’ve yet to see something coming out of the Zombieland camp that didn’t look absolutely badass, and the goodies continue…