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Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr12/machetes.jpg In the world of Machete nothing is ever easy for the…

Source Name: Rolling Stone Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr12/machetes.jpg Rolling Stone caught the first glimpse of Alexa Vega in…

Post Thumb: /stock/afm.jpg Since these appear to be the last two stories from Day 3 of AFM, we’re combining them…

Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr12/machetes.jpg It’s been a few weeks since we last talked about Machete…

Source Name: Twitch Film Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr12/machetes.jpg If there’s one thing you can expect from Machete Kills…

Post Thumb: /apr12/machetes.jpg If Robert Rodriguez packs any more hot chicks into the cast for Machete Kills, star Danny Trejo…

Source Name: William Sadler on Twitter Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr12/machetes.jpg Looking forward to seeing Danny Trejo hack away…

Source Name: Robert Rodriguez on Twitter Source Url:!/Rodriguez Post Thumb: /apr12/machetes.jpg You know what Machete Kills was in desperate…

Post Thumb: /apr12/machetes.jpg You know who the luckiest guy in the world of film is? Danny Trejo. Why? Because Robert…

Source Name: Nuevon on YouTube Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr12/machetes.jpg YouTube user Nuevon recently got the chance to visit…