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Post Thumb: /mar14/freakshow.jpg PaleyFest 2014 concluded tonight with the “American Horror Story: Coven” panel, during which more casting news for…

Source Name: Entertainment Weekly Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/ahss.jpg News moves fast nowadays, but we’re here to catch it…

Source Name: Ryan Murphy on Twitter Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/ahss.jpg “American Horror Story” writer Douglas Petrie was recently…

Source Name: The Nerdist Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/ahss.jpg The most persistent rumor about the impending fourth season of…

Post Thumb: /sep13/ahscoven.jpg Well, it’s Wednesday morning, and sadly, we have no “American Horror Story: Coven” to look forward to…

Source Name: EW Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/ahss.jpg So, what did everyone think of the “American Horror Story: Coven”…

Post Thumb: /sep13/ahscoven.jpg With “American Horror Story: Coven” ending its run tomorrow night, FX has released a new “Inside the…

New Photos Cast a Spell for the American Horror Story: Coven Finale Episode 3.13 – The Seven Wonders
Post Thumb: /sep13/ahscoven.jpg So far fans are pretty evenly divided about witch-centric “American Horror Story: Coven,” and with its finale,…

Post Thumb: /sep13/ahscoven.jpg Last night’s episode of “American Horror Story: Coven” contained a few deaths we weren’t expecting, but that’s…

Post Thumb: /sep13/ahscoven.jpg If you haven’t watched the preview yet, beware of a slight spoiler in these photos from “American…

Go Inside American Horror Story: Coven with The Voodoo Queenie; Ryan Murphy Talks Final Two Episodes
Source Name: EW Source Url: Post Thumb: /sep13/ahscoven.jpg A new “Inside the Coven” video has arrived for “American Horror…