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The most profitable horror movie ever is a Stephen King adaptation that even surprised the author. Now it's back on…

Five years after release, Chad Collins revisits the big, the bold, the mythic: the 'It' sequel, 'It: Chapter 2.'

IT and IT CHAPTER TWO Director Andy Muschietti teases Michael Keaton's Bloody BATMAN Suit in his upcoming DC action epic…

IT director Andy Muschietti's THE FLASH with Ezra Miller and Michael Keaton Now Filming at Wayne Manor from Tim Burton's…

MAMA, IT, and IT: CHAPTER TWO director Andy Muschietti’s THE FLASH is now filming with Ezra Miller and Michael Keaton…

Batman Returns star Danny DeVito may resurrect The Penguin in IT director Andy Muschietti's new The Flash featuring Michael Keaton's…

Earlier this week, Sophia Lillis sat down for a candid interview on the latest episode of That Scene with Dan…

A few months back IT and IT: Chapter Two director Andy Muschietti said he’d like the chance to update Gremlins…

Mama director Andy Muschietti’s adaptation of Stephen King’s It: Chapter Two starring Jessica Chastain, James Ransone, Bill Hader, James McAvoy, Isaiah Mustafa,…

The folks a Screen Junkies have amassed legions of followers for their snarky yet spot-on assessments of today’s biggest genre offerings in…

Alyse Wax is more than just the Co-Editor in Chief of Dread Central, she’s an established writer who recently released…