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Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /jun11/kks.jpg Even with Rise of the Planet of the Apes rapidly approaching,…

Post Thumb: /may11/tlb.jpg A while ago we reported on a 3D animated remake of The Last Broadcast, which if you…

Post Thumb: /may11/kodi.jpg Kids need horror too. You’ve gotta raise the young ones right, you know. Personally we recommend repeated…

Source Name: You Will Die Inside Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr11/hsms.jpg Filmmaker M Dot Strange is back with another…

Info on another genre related entry in the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival, a short film entitled Year Zero, landed in…

While CGI animated features are all the rage now, we still miss the good old days of Rankin and Bass…

Nothing shocks us anymore. Nothing. Way back in 1998, even before The Blair Witch Project became the phenom that it…

Reviewed by Uncle Creepy Starring Christopher Judge, Peter Woodward, Graham McTavish, Gwendoline Yeo Directed by Mike Disa Distributed by Anchor…

We’ve always maintained that The Wizard of Oz is rife with horror elements. In fact, as charming as it may…

For the 12 Days of Christmas, FEARnet is running a set of 12 one-minute animated videos called Fear Academy, and…