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Reviewed by Andrew Kasch Starring the voices of Alyson Court, Paul Mercier, Michael Sorich Directed by Makoto Kamiya The Resident…

One deal that seemingly slipped through the cracks at this year’s AFM was Halo 8’s acquisition of James Farr’s animated…

The lucky bastards over at IGN got a chance to visit the set of Henry Selick’s upcoming 3D stop motion…

It’s been a while since we’ve done anything linking to those ingenious weirdos at Angry Alien, but their recent inclusion…

A few weeks back myself and some of the East Coast Dread crew, including Nomad and the fantastic Heather Buckley,…

I would love to see a company like Blue Sky Studios do something other than kids’ animation, though obviously that’s…

After five long years, the online animated series Xombie has finally reached its conclusion. James Farr started the series half…