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Post Thumb: /sep13/argento-dracula-s.jpg Though the majority of Dario Argento’s earlier films are more or less universally loved by horror fans,…

Post Thumb: /sep13/argento-dracula-s.jpg As we collectively await the release of Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani’s (Amer) latest Giallo-inspired throwback,

Post Thumb: /sep13/argento-dracula-s.jpg Morbidly curious about checking out a screening of IFC’s release of

Post Thumb: /sep13/argento-dracula-s.jpg The first red band trailer has finally arrived for IFC’s release of

Post Thumb: /sep13/argento-dracula-s.jpg An official trailer has finally arrived for IFC’s release of

Post Thumb: /sep13/argento-dracula-s.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/dracula/argentosdracula1x’, ‘/gallery/dracula/argentosdracula2x’, ‘/gallery/dracula/argentosdracula3x’, ‘/gallery/dracula/argentosdracula4x’, ‘/gallery/dracula/argentosdracula5x’, ‘/gallery/dracula/argentosdracula6x’, ‘/gallery/dracula/argentosdracula7x’, ‘/gallery/dracula/argentosdracula8x’, ‘/gallery/dracula/argentosdracula9x’ Several new stills have checked-in for…