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Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg Get ready, Paranormal Activity fans! Tonight at 12:00 midnight Pacific Time, Paramount is releasing the full trailer…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg A new still from Paranormal Activity 4 has just made its presence known on the film’s official…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg What better way could there possibly be to kick off your work week than with a high…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg Where’s Katie? Where’s Hunter? What’s up with the witches? Who is this new family? In just a…

Source Name: Entertainment Weekly Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg This week’s edition of Entertainment Weekly is home to a…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg The official Paranormal Activity Facebook page has been updated with another official still from the flick, and…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg The official Facebook page for Paranormal Activity 4 has just been updated with a new image from…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg The second viral teaser video for Paranormal Activity 4 has landed on cell phones across the globe,…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg If you were one of the folks who signed up to get Paranormal Activity 4 news via…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg San Diego has a lot more to root for than the Padres and the Chargers. It’s also…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg Paramount is making the chance to see Paranormal Activity 4 first in your city even easier. As…