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Uncategorized June 22, 2010
Attention Hatchet fans — the official second edition Hatchet Army T-shirts are now available for purchase, and since we know…
Uncategorized February 9, 2010
Pissed off that Adam Green’s
Uncategorized February 7, 2010
On Friday, February 5th, the cast and crew of Adam Green’s latest flick, Frozen, showed up at the Mann’s Chinese…
Uncategorized February 6, 2010
Why are you reading this? Your ass should be at the theatre digging on Adam Green’s Frozen! Need another excuse…
Uncategorized February 3, 2010
Fans in the Los Angeles area are in for a real treat as there’s a special screening of Adam Green’s…
Uncategorized February 2, 2010
This Friday Adam Green’s
Uncategorized January 30, 2010
About an hour ago we got an e-mail in our inbox from DC reader Gary Luchessi, who attended the last…
Uncategorized January 29, 2010
I can remember interviewing Adam Green this time last year one late night for an article about Grace, Paul Solet’s…
Uncategorized January 28, 2010
Fans looking forward to the theatrical release of Adam Green’s
Uncategorized January 18, 2010
The release of Adam Green’s Frozen is approaching rapidly, and a new clip with a very familiar face has surfaced…
Uncategorized January 17, 2010
There are very few directors who would be ballsy enough these days to put three young actors alone, stranded on…
Uncategorized January 13, 2010
Adam Green’s Frozen is right around the corner, and the promo materials are beginning to come in hot (or should…