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May 20, 2017
Arnold Schwarzenegger is in Cannes, where he’s promoting his new film, the environmentally-focused documentary Wonders of the Sea 3D; but…
April 11, 2017
The Legend of Conan, which would have been the third film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Robert E. Howard’s musclebound Barbarian…
April 6, 2017
Even though he teased that he would be interested in coming back for another tango with The Predator a while…
March 21, 2017
Remember the days when the Terminator franchise was actually good and delivered what you wanted? Well, apparently Hollywood doesn’t as…
November 4, 2016
Based on the horror novella of the same name by Nikolai Gogol, the 2014 Russian flick Viy was a big…
September 2, 2016
Talk about being a chip off the old block, or in this case off the old mountain. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son,…
August 9, 2016
Consider this your friendly reminder. Tonight we will be selecting the ONE active Box of Dread acolyte to mail the…
August 5, 2016
Who among you has fallen in love with Netflix’s “Stranger Things”? We know we have! So consider this your gentle…
July 27, 2016
“If it bleeds, we can kill it,” a wise man once said. Well, you don’t need to do any such…
July 6, 2016
Before Shane Black’s The Predator revives the franchise in 2018, the original action-horror classic is headed back to theaters in…
April 13, 2016
Director Shane Black is gearing up production on The Predator, but before this badass hunter gets in front of the…
March 7, 2016
The Interwebs are buzzing a bit about the new film in The Predator franchise lately but that buzz is about…