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September 5, 2017
Starring Sarah Kendall, Alan McRae, Frederick Flynn, Carol Kottenbrook Directed by J.S. Cardone Distributed by Arrow Video In some previous…
August 15, 2017
Originally released back in 1982, director J.S. Cardone’s The Slayer quickly found itself falling foul of the UK’s infamous “Video…
August 10, 2017
Starring Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton, David Gale Directed by Stuart Gordon Distributed by Arrow Video Somehow, someway, Stuart…
August 10, 2017
Arrow Video has just announced that they are launching a new music-focused subsidiary that they’re calling Arrow Music. To kick…
August 3, 2017
Arrow Video has unveiled its release plans as well as pre-order links for all the films the company has coming…
July 21, 2017
Starring John Merivale, Gerard Herter, Didi Sullivan, Giacomo Rossi Stuart Directed by Riccardo Freda, Mario Bava Distributed by Arrow Video…
July 14, 2017
I’m not one to like too many bits of revised artwork for some of my favorite movies. Case in point:…
July 14, 2017
Arrow Video has just announced a new boxset that will include three George A. Romero films, particularly the ones that…
July 12, 2017
Starring Tony Musante, Eva Renzi, Suzy Kendall, Mario Adorf Directed by Dario Argento Distributed by Arrow Video The name Dario…
June 21, 2017
Yep. Boner induced. The good folks at Arrow Video, bless their hearts, have taken to their Facebook page to announce that…
June 21, 2017
If you thought you could get through July without spending a hefty amount of money on some damn good home…
June 19, 2017
Starring Rick Hearst (as Rick Herbst), Gordon MacDonald, Jennifer Lowry, the voice of John Zacherle Directed by Frank Henenlotter Distributed…