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New “Dissecting Horror” hits Wednesday at 6 pm PST with Jakob’s Wife, director Travis Stevens, composer Tara Busch, Barbara Crampton…

#GodzillaVsKong director Adam Wingard reveals suspicions that @barbaracrampton actually IS a vampire!

Director Travis Stevens' new horror movie Jakob’s Wife with Barbara Crampton has snagged a fresh 78% approval rating over on…

Horror icon Barbara Crampton goes full vamp for the upcoming cover of Fangoria in support of JAKOB'S WIFE!

Drew Tinnin talks to horror icon Barbara Crampton about her latest film, JAKOB'S WIFE, which just premiered at SXSW

Check out the trailer and poster for JAKOB'S WIFE, premiering this week at SXSW and arriving on VOD in April!

DREAD’s Lovecraftian Shocker SACRIFICE Starring Barbara Crampton is Now Available to Own on Blu-ray!
You can now own DREAD's Lovecraftian horror movie SACRIFICE (starring Barbara Crampton) on Blu-ray!

RLJE Films and Shudder snagged rights to JAKOB'S WIFE starring Barbara Crampton with plans to release April 16th!

REMINDER: FREE Virtual Screening of SACRIFICE Starring Barbara Crampton TODAY @ 4:30 PM (PST) + Live Q&A!

[UPDATED] Join Us for a Virtual Screening of SACRIFICE + Live Q&A with Filmmakers and Cast TOMORROW!
Join Us for a Virtual Screening of SACRIFICE + Live Q&A with Filmmakers and Cast on February 9th!