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Post Thumb: /jul13/bill-oberst.jpg Any time we get news that Bill Oberst, Jr., is in a new movie, we jump all…

Post Thumb: /may13/black-water-vampire-s.jpg Back in May we got our first look at Bill Oberst, Jr., in the found footage saga…

Post Thumb: /may13/circus-of-the-dead-s.jpg A couple of bits of artwork for one of several new flicks featuring prolific genre actor Bill…

Post Thumb: /oct12/coys.jpg Here’s a clip from an arthouse horror film that has been banned at some film festivals and…

Post Thumb: /nov13/gone-dark-poster-s.jpg Gone Dark has begun its Video On Demand run this month and can be found on cable…

Post Thumb: /nov13/gone-dark-poster-s.jpg A new film called Gone Dark has come to our attention because it’s calling itself “a bloody…

Post Thumb: /oct13/grimbecomingposters.jpg Ever wonder where reapers come from? A Grim Becoming explores that concept, and a new trailer has…

Post Thumb: /oct13/grimbecomingposters.jpg We still have several months to wait until the June 2014 release of DefTone Pictures Studios’ A…

Cover art: reviews/resolution-blu-ray-s.jpg Starring Peter Cilella, Vinny Curran, Zahn McClarnon, Bill Oberst, Jr. Directed by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead…

Post Thumb: /sep13/resolution-blu-ray-s.jpg Award-winning indie film Resolution will be hitting the big time on October 8 when it gets its…

Post Thumb: /sep13/ditch-day-massacre-poster-s.jpg If you don’t want to wait to see Bill Oberst, Jr., spill some blood in the upcoming…