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Post Thumb: /may13/zombie-killers-elephants-graveyard-s.jpg We just got a heads up that the official website, Facebook page, and Twitter account for ZK:…

Post Thumb: /may13/zombie-killers-elephants-graveyard-s.jpg Filmmaker Harrison Smith ( has another tale of terror on the horizon, and it could very well…

Source Name: The Ghost of Goodnight Lane on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/ggls.jpg A teaser trailer has come…

Source Name: The Wrap Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/news.jpg “90210” and Excision star AnnaLynne McCord has signed on for…

Post Thumb: /oct12/redclovers.jpg Even though it’s been months since it was originally broadcast by the Syfy Network as part of…

Source Name: The Ghost of Goodnight Lane on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/ggls.jpg Writer/director Alin Bijan just posted…

Cover art: /reviews/dcnone.jpg Starring Courtney Halverson, Billy Zane, William Devane, Kevin Mangold Directed by Drew Daywalt The first half of…

Post Thumb: /studios/syfy.jpg On Saturday, March 17th, Syfy is set to debut Drew Daywalt’s latest feature film, Leprechaun’s Revenge, and…

Post Thumb: /studios/syfy.jpg Here’s something really tasty for you cats! The first ever still of the creature from Drew Daywalt’s…

Source Name: Hulu Source Url: Post Thumb: /studios/syfy.jpg Here we are, shinin’ up our lucky charms as per usual,…

Post Thumb: /studios/syfy.jpg It took four different name changes before Syfy finally settled on a title for Drew Daywalt’s feature…