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January 31, 2015
Starring Lynn Csontos, Daren Matheson, Mackenzie Mowat Directed by Dan Walton and Dan Zachary I’ll give credit where credit is…
Uncategorized March 6, 2014
Post Thumb: /sep13/bind-s.jpg After four years of fighting the good fight, a trailer has finally arrived for Dan Walton’s latest…
Uncategorized November 15, 2013
Post Thumb: /sep13/bind-s.jpg A pair of new stills from Dan Walton’s latest film, Bind, have arrived, and well… they really……
Uncategorized October 28, 2013
Post Thumb: /sep13/bind-s.jpg A pair of new stills for Dan Walton’s latest film, Bind, have arrived showing off an extremely…
Uncategorized September 15, 2013
Post Thumb: /sep13/bind-s.jpg A pair of new posters for Dan Walton’s latest film, Bind, have arrived showing off an extremely…
Uncategorized July 29, 2013
Post Thumb: /apr13/bind-posters.jpg A pair of new stills from Dan Walton’s latest film, Bind, have arrived showing off an extremely…
Uncategorized May 9, 2013
Post Thumb: /apr13/bind-posters.jpg Indie film director Dan Walton is a madman. Don’t believe us? Check out these very ballsy and…
Uncategorized April 23, 2013
Source Name: Official Bind Facebook Page Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr13/bind-posters.jpg Some new goodies have hit the Interwebs for…
Uncategorized December 13, 2010
When will we ever learn? STAY OUT OF THE WOODS! There’s no fun to be had there! Just murder, mayhem,…
Uncategorized June 15, 2010
Gutterballs co-executive producer Dan Walton got in touch with us over the weekend to give us the latest on his…
Uncategorized December 30, 2009
More casting news has slipped out regarding Dan Walton’s directorial debut, Bind. Some original Halloween firepower has joined the growing…
Uncategorized December 14, 2009
It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything regarding filmmaker Dan Walton’s planned feature directorial debut Bind, but today that’s…