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Blumhouse and director Sophia Takal’s Black Christmas remake hits theaters this weekend. And today co-writer April Wolfe talked a bit…

Blumhouse and director Sophia Takal’s remake of Bob Clark’s Christmas slasher classic Black Christmas will be hitting a theater near you –…

Blumhouse and director Sophia Takal’s remake of Bob Clark’s Christmas slasher classic Black Christmas will be hitting a theater near you –…

Blumhouse and director Sophia Takal’s remake of Bob Clark’s Christmas slasher classic Black Christmas will be hitting a theater near…

You may have mixed feelings about Blumhouse’s upcoming Balck Christmas remake, but the latest trailer suggests a story that drifts…

The first trailer for Blumhouse’s upcoming remake of Black Christmas has been released (watch above) and it unveils a wildly…

It’s been a week since the surprise announcement that Blumhouse is releasing a remake of Bob Clark’s seminal slasher classic…

The most anticipated horror movie reboot of 2019 is one we didn’t even know was coming down the pike–until today.…

“Endings Explained” videos aren’t just for deciphering complicated movies; when done right, they become an illuminating retrospective of a film,…

Very sad news as it’s been confirmed by TMZ that actress Margot Kidder passed away this weekend at her home…