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Post Thumb: /jun12/vhss.jpg So today in the mail we got a large box. Inside was a VCR wrapped in blood-stained…

Source Name: Bloody Disgusting Selects Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug12/tods.jpg All right, kids! Time to play a game that…

Source Name: Bloody Disgusting Selects Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug12/tods.jpg Another cool little flick is coming home from our…

Post Thumb: /jun12/vhss.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs1x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs2x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs3x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs4x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs5x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs6x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs7x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs8x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs9x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs10x’, ‘/gallery/vhs/vhs11x’ Who’s up for a…

Source Name: Apple Source Url: Post Thumb: /jun12/vhss.jpg The official green band trailer for the long awaited Sundance sensation

Cover art: reviews/exiths.jpg Starring Mark Gibson, Adam Seybold, Jordan Hayes, Dee Wallace, Bill Moseley, Stephen McHattie, and Brian Cox Directed…

Source Name: Yahoo! Movies Source Url: Post Thumb: /jun12/vhss.jpg The official red band trailer for the long awaited Sundance…

Post Thumb: /jun12/vhss.jpg Finally some artwork has debuted for the long awaited Sundance sensation

Post Thumb: /apr12/exiths.jpg Zombies, man. They’re everywhere, exterminating the human race bite by bite. It’s only a matter of time…

Post Thumb: /apr12/exiths.jpg Time for another bit of exclusive goodness, this time for The Collective and Bloody Disgusting Selects’ latest…

Post Thumb: /apr12/exiths.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/exithumanity/exithumanity1x’, ‘/gallery/exithumanity/exithumanity2x’, ‘/gallery/exithumanity/exithumanity3x’, ‘/gallery/exithumanity/exithumanity4x’, ‘/gallery/exithumanity/exithumanity5x’, ‘/gallery/exithumanity/exithumanity6x’, ‘/gallery/exithumanity/exithumanity7x’ A whole bunch of goodies have come our…