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Grab your guns and hold onto your augments: we're diving into machine madness in our review of first-person shooter Turbo…

Workers! The Central Committee orders you to read this important review bulletin. Non-compliers will be shot. Check out our review…

We don our power armor and ready our chain swords to review Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun and its venture into boomer…

How do you resurrect oldschool shooters? With necromancy of course! Join us as we bunny hop our way through Ghostware's…

Impaler, an upcoming arena shooter, will have a limited-time crossover event with content from Project Warlock when it launches on…

Turbo Overkill will launch its second episode at the end of this month, granting Early Access players an array of…

Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition is a fresh update to the classic innovative first-person shooter and will be available…

Project Warlock receives a PC Big Box courtesy of Romero Games, the first such box made by a developer other…

Boltgun pays homage to the various sprite-based boomer shooters of the 90s and looks to launch on contemporary consoles next…

From battling the hordes of hell to beating on some 1920s gangsters, here's six FPS games for horror fans to…