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Cover art: reviews/die-monster-die-blu-ray-s.jpg Boris Karloff, Nick Adams, Suzan Farmer, Freda Jackson, Terence de Marney Directed by Daniel Haller Distributed by…
Post Thumb: /may13/diamondselect.jpg Diamond Select does its best to scare us every Halloween with new toys and collectibles based on…
Cover art: reviews/bsabbaths.jpg Starring Michèle Mercier, Lidia Alfonsi, Boris Karloff, Mark Damon, Jacqueline Pierreux Directed by Mario Bava Distributed by…
Post Thumb: /stock/frankenstein.jpg Film #7 on Doctor Gash’s Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies… Ever! is a classic that was censored…
Post Thumb: /aug11/mppthumb.jpg Trembles picked an oldie but goodie for his pre-Halloween week Motion Picture Purgatory: 1967’s The Sorcerers directed…
Our friends across the pond at SCREAM Magazine are offering three lucky Dread Central readers in the UK a chance…
Reviewed by Uncle Creepy Starring Boris Karloff, William Shatner, Leslie Nielsen, Richard Chamberlain, Cloris Leachman, Mary Tyler Moore, Russell Johnson,…
August 31st is a day that fans of classic horror have been awaiting for what seems like forever. On that…
Now this is the way we love to end a Friday. Fans of Boris Karloff and classic horror television shows…