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President Bill Pullman declared back in 1996 that “We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish!…

The Conjuring 2 (review #1), which most critics (including many of us here at DC) consider to be a more…

Our first big-budget flop of 2016 has arrived, ladies and gentlemen… Gods of Egypt (review) managed to recoup just 10%…

Good vs. Evil. Jesus vs. Satan. The greatest of all rivalries played out once more at the box office this…

Hollywood proved little match for the forces of nature this weekend as Superstorm Jonas froze out over a dozen major…

Well, well, well... or should be saying ho, ho, ho? In a very surprising turn of events, especially in light…

It’s obvious that horror fans were either too full of turkey or too busy shopping for Black Friday deals to…

During what’s being hailed as one of the weakest Memorial Day Weekend box offices in recent memory, the eyes of…

A fifth place opening normally wouldn’t be considered all that impressive for a horror film, but in the case of…

The 10th anniversary re-release of Saw scored one of the worst debuts ever for a movie released in over 2,000…

Audiences looking to be scared the final weekend going into Halloween week flocked to see Ouija, but from the sounds…