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Uncategorized March 30, 2010
We finally have a release date for Neil Burger’s feature film adaptation of The Dark Fields. Look for the flick…
Uncategorized March 4, 2010
Here at Dread Central there are certain actors whom we will watch no matter what they do. One such person…
Uncategorized March 1, 2010
We’ve been big fans of Elizabeth Banks ever since her role in Slither (we’ll just pretend that The Uninvited never…
Uncategorized February 13, 2010
Wolves are everywhere lately. Be they supernatural or realistic. If Adam Green’s Frozen did anything, it reminded us just how…
Uncategorized November 6, 2009
There will be no time spent in the fields for Shia LeBeouf as the actor has moved out of the…
Uncategorized June 18, 2008
The other day we got an e-mail from a fan by the name of “Meat Lover” (doubtful that’s his Christian…