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Source Name: Slate Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/dracula.jpg We know many things about the character of Count Dracula. In…

Post Thumb: /oct11/hwa.jpg At long last the names of this year’s Bram Stoker Awards have been revealed by the Horror…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /jun11/bram.jpg We can’t get enough of our vampires. Whether you’re…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/dracula.jpg Wow. Just wow. As a collector of fine horror…

Post Thumb: /oct11/hwa.jpg Horror writers far and wide dream about one day winning a Bram Stoker Award, an honor given…

Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /jun11/bram.jpg Ever wonder what would happen if monster met master? That’s exactly…

As we told you last month, PadWorx Digital Media is releasing Bram Stoker’s Dracula for the Apple iPad just in…

We’ve been telling you about the official print follow-up to Bram Stoker’s Dracula for a while now. Dacre Stoker, Bram…

Now this is interesting news. Not only do Dracula fans have the official sequel in novel form, Dracula: The Un-Dead…

While there have been many rehashes and follow-ups to Bram Stoker’s original Dracula novel, there has never been an official…